In this installment of our continuing Dungeons and Dragons adventure, we awaken from our rest to encounter some bad guys and later run into some stinky trees and suspicious eggplants. Things are getting weird in Wyvern Tor!
#18 - The Lost Mines of Phandelver: Chapter 18
On the 18th installment of our continuing Dungeons and Dragons adventure, we encounter a set of uncooperative ghouls, get ambushed by a gang or orcs and learn the true power of the fireball.
#17 - The Lost Mines of Phandelver: Chapter 17
On this episode of our continuing DnD adventure, we move down the Tribor Trail in search of orcs but instead come across rocks filled with secret treasure, a "Wanted" poster featuring one of our own and a hobgoblin who may require some enhanced interrogation.
#16 - The Lost Mines of Phandelver: Chapter 16
On this installment of our continuing DnD adventure, we introduce some new elements into the game such as spells, tricks and Shadow aka Danther the Panther. Once our heroes leave the Redbrand hideout they are confronted by some hobgoblins (with extra hob) in a fight guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat!
#15 - The Lost Mines of Phandelver: Chapter 15
On this installment of our continuing DnD adventure, we begin by confronting two Redbrand bad guys in a fight started by a badly thrown punch. Then the show comes to an abrupt halt as we level up and dig into the rules to find out what kind of cool stuff we get for it.