On this installment of our D&D quest, our heroes split up: Matt & Shaun have a contentious confrontation with some angry hyenas while Colby & Dan track down a message in a bottle.
#48 - The Legend of Shaker Heights: Chapter 5
It's an action packed installment of this Dungeon and Dragons adventure as our heroes get into battle, get into another battle and confront a bad guy who quickly turns tail.
#47 - The Legend of Shaker Heights: Chapter 4
On this installment, our characters remain trapped in the mysterious cave. They are finally reunited as a group, joined by a strange newcomer. Then they try to trick some goblins, open a door and ultimately collide with their next great foe!
#46 - The Legend of Shaker Heights: Chapter 3
On this installment of Game Nights, our heroes find themselves kidnapped and taken to a mysterious location. There they fumble in the dark, cut some throats and meet some bitter new friends.
#45 - The Legend of Shaker Heights: Chapter 2
On this installment of our Dungeons and Dragon adventure, our heroes explore more of the strange settlement of Shaker Heights.
They meet:
-Sheriff Rufus T. Bickfore, the head of the tourism committee
-Lana Fincher, owner of the Hattery, a store that sells many hats
-Sheldon Lovell, general store owner and easily convinced stranger
What will happen to our heroes next?!