On this installment, our heroes enter the mysterious room where they encounter some fiendish enemies and some weird creatures as they battle for their lives!
#63 - The Warden: Chapter 5
On this installment, we work to get two of our adventurers out of a pit, then investigate the nooks and crannies of a mysterious cave. What will we find? Tune in to fine out!
#62 - The Warden: Chapter 4
On this installment, we rejoin our adventurers as the awkwardly interact with the locals, try to scale some rocks, and fight a fantasy chicken.
#61 - The Warden: Chapter 3
On this installment, we meet a known character's new personality, make the locals very uncomfortable, perceive nothing and bump into some new wild creatures. You know, pretty standard D&D stuff...
#60 - The Warden: Chapter 2
On this installment, we've stirred up some trouble with a few wild boars. Can we survive their vicious tusk attacks? Or will we stumble so badly we defeat ourselves?