On this installment of our continuing Dungeons and Dragons adventure, we enter the ruins of Thundertree, a village that has certainly seen better days. There we encounter some abandoned cottages filled with all manners of trouble. How will this turn out for our heroes? You'll just have to tune in to find out!
#23 - The Lost Mines of Phandelver: Chapter 23
This time on our DnD quest, we make a bad Banshee's Bargain, which results in some bad lies to a bad guy, and ultimately puts us up against a dozen undead foes. We battle big time on this episode of Game Nights!
#22 - The Lost Mines of Phandelver: Chapter 22
On this edition of our continuing Dungeon and Dragons adventure, we learn more about Colby's mysterious aunt who now haunts us via crazy dreams that have our heroes fighting for their lives. That plus our new "mature" rating due to some over-the-top innuendos.
#21 - The Lost Mines of Phandelver: Chapter 21
On this installment of our continuing adventure, we are introduced to a brand new character who then joins our other adventures in battling the evil Eggplant Devil and his mysterious treasure chest-shaped eggplant things! It's the next phase in this on going tale.
#20 - The Lost Mines of Phandelver: Chapter 20
On this episode of our DnD excitement, we take some heavy risks involving distracting an orc with a terrible story and sneaky casting of spells. In the end we have a case of "too many orcs" and conclude with the most epic battle we've ever faced! It's an unbelievably tense and thrilling episode of Game Nights.