On this installment of our ongoing quest, our heroes run into some dangerous Yuan-ti who are out for their heads. Will they take the easy way out, or will they fight to the death? Then, Matt aggressively confronts some unwitting townspeople.
#53 - The Legend of Shaker Heights: Chapter 10
On our first all in-person episode of Game Nights, our heroes break into a locked conference room filled with secrets, evil plans and increasingly large amounts of water.
#52 - The Legend of Shaker Heights: Chapter 9
On this installment of our continuing Dungeons and Dragons adventure, our heroes continue to investigate the Temple de Agua Office Park. There Dan meets some loose bats, Matt encounters a cabinets full of mugs, and Colby tries to unlock the magic box.
#51 - The Legend of Shaker Heights: Chapter 8
In this installment of our Dungeons and Dragons adventure, our characters decide to take their recently disgraced captive to the town sheriff for the reward money. Then they decide to explore some areas they have no business being in...
#50 - The Legend of Shaker Heights: Chapter 7
Hello, World!
On this, our 50th hour of Dungeons & Dragons adventures, Matt gets into it with Carroll Wickersham's underpaid intern (and offends a centaur in the process) while Colby and Dan try to escape from some spooky mummies.