On this installment of our Dungeons & Dragons adventure, the heroes return from their unconsciousness and try to leave the cave. Along the way they encounter some gruesome remains and a stinky situation.
#68 - The Warden: Chapter 8, Part 3 (Dan's Tale)
It's the third (and final) part of our team's trip in and out of consciousness. This time, Dan (aka Del) recalls what he saw after the red mist.
#67 - The Warden: Chapter 8, Part 2 (Shaun's Tale)
On this installment, we continue to try to wake up from the mysterious red mist that nearly killed us. This time Shaun recalls what he remembers from his time in the mist.
#66 - The Warden: Chapter 8, Part 1 (Matt's Tale)
On this installment, we try to wake up from the mysterious red mist that nearly killed us. Matt recalls what he remembers from his time in the mist.
#65 - The Warden: Chapter 7
On this installment, we continue our battle against those pesky goblins who are joined by a new and strange combo creature. Then we try to avoid infringing on the copyright of Stephen King's "The Mist".